For this reason, we regularly write and create video and audio content with you and your clients in mind, so we can inform them about some Family Law concepts and assist them to make informed decisions at every point in their journey.
Separation & Divorce Resources For Parents
This collection of resources focussed on navigating separation and divorce where there are children involved. We hope you find these articles helpful. Feel free to share them with your clients, so they can be armed with the knowledge to best support their children and themselves through this process.
In this resource, we have carefully selected articles to help our professional network and their clients who are going through separation or divorce understand more about some family law concepts when children are involved. We value the expertise that our professional network provides in helping us get the best possible outcome for our mutual clients. It is for this reason that we compiled these articles to help our professional network and the people they assist to gain a better understanding of what needs to be considered during a separation or divorce where children are involved.
This resource is divided into two sections:
- What to know about care arrangements and child support for children
- How to support your children and yourself through separation & divorce
We hope you and your clients find this information helpful. We invite you to read it yourself and share the PDF downloadable version with your clients as an initial reference point if they are considering separation or divorce and are parents.
What To Know About Care Arrangements And Child Support For Children
Parenting Arrangements And The Law
The Family Law Act does not reference parental rights when children are involved but rather considers what is in a child’s best interests. The paramount consideration is to protect children and to focus on what is in their best interests. This page explains parenting arrangements and the legal framework which applies.
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What Is A Family Report? When Is Family Report Required?
A Family Report may be required following a separation to assist separating couples in reaching an agreement about the care arrangements for their children. It is a report that sets out recommendations by an expert which is used to help determine care arrangements for children of parents who are separating. The process of getting a Family Report involves a family consultant, the parents, and the children of the separating couple.
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How Child Support Works
Child support and parenting care arrangements are determined in different ways. Even if child support is paid this does not have a direct link to the time that parents may be able to spend with their child. There may be other reasons why that time could still be more limited. This page covers what separated parents can expect when it comes to how much they can spend time with their children even if they pay child support.
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Private Child Support Agreements: Pros & Cons
For separating parents who may have concerns that certain extra costs are not going to be met for your children such as extra curricular activities or private health, then you may benefit from investigating whether a binding child support agreement is the right option for you.
Separating parents can enter into formalised agreements called Binding Child Support Agreements or Limited Child Support Agreements. There are pros and cons for these types of agreements however, they ensure that child support arrangements including those which involve payments to third parties, like school fees, are adhered to.
Important Considerations When Moving House or Relocating With Children
Relocating with children after going through separation or divorce is not as easy as some may believe. This page informs anyone who is contemplating relocating with their children (even if only a few suburbs away) to learn of some important considerations before they take steps or pack their bags.
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Travelling Overseas with Children After Separation
It’s not uncommon for a parent to want to travel overseas with their children after separation. There are, however, a multitude of factors that need to be considered by both travelling and non-travelling parents. There are some common issues that come up for both travelling and non-travelling parents, if conversations and travel plans are not navigated correctly. Whether it be in relation to obtaining a passport or the travel itself, it is important to establish clear parameters, including what information the travelling parent will need to provide the non-travelling parent.
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Living Overseas With Children In Australia
If you have a client who lives in another country and has child support obligations but does not want to make any payments, arrangements can sometimes be made to collect the child support payment. This page covers the laws and policies that are in place regarding child support if a separated parent is living outside Australia.
How To Help Your Children And Yourself Through Separation And Divorce
Telling Children About Separation
Children can be impacted as much as adults during a separation or divorce. In general, there is no easy way to break the news to your children that you are separating but there are things you can do to try and make the children cope better with the news. It is very important to try and leave your feelings, whether they are guilt, anger or blame, out of any discussion that you have with your child. It is also important to ensure that whatever is communicated is suitable for the child’s age, maturity and individual personality with both parents having input.
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Books And Resources To Help Parents And Children Cope With Separation
Over the years we’ve come across a number of resources and created many resources ourselves to help parents and children. First you will find resources for parents followed by four books of note suitable for children of a variety of ages. Hidden within the images and stories in the books for younger children are messages that provide advice and coping mechanisms that will assist children to better understand their situation.
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Helping Children Through Divorce – 4 Tips To Help Them Through Your Separation And Divorce
Children are as much affected as adults during a separation or divorce. But unlike adults, children might not understand the situation and might not know how to cope with a divorce in the family. This page covers some helpful tips to assist children through the separation process.
This information also comes in the form of a downloadable PDF, so you can easily share it with your clients. To locate it, click here.
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