Second Opinions

We are regularly called on to provide second opinions about family law issues.

Second Opinions

Seeking Second Opinions

We regularly assist either where parties have not had the benefit of specialist representation or have identified the need to obtain top level representation.

We regularly meet with people who may be unsure about their current legal representation or the way in which their case is progressing.

By listening to your concerns and reviewing your case, we are able to provide pragmatic, commercial and honest advice to assist you to make informed decisions about how you move forward.

If you are unsure about the way your case is progressing and want to obtain a second opinion, please call us or use the enquiry form to arrange to speak with one of our experienced family lawyers.

Second Opinions

Second Opinion Family Law Advice

In matters where people involved in family law matters may doubt or lack confidence in the advice they have received or their matter is proceeding, we can arrange an initial consultation with one of our experienced family lawyers.

We meet with our clients in person at our Brisbane office, via phone or online.

Second Opinion Family Law Advice

We regularly assist clients in Australia and around the world, about their options and their rights under Australian family law.